Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Beyonce goes black(er) for Fela

Ok so there has been a lot of noise about this beyonce's pic where her face was painted black in honor of Fela kuti (more pictures below). First of all, kudos to Italian Vogue for giving due honor to Fela. However, as one of my friends suggested, is this just another marketing scheme? Maybe a way for Vogue to break into Africa? I do not le feel? Anyway back to the main point. Apparently the photo has generated some sort of controversy because she was painted. Me I say kini big deal!

If they photoshop her to look lighter people will say she is bleaching and not proud of her dark skin, now that they made her darker like in this case people are saying that there are racial connotations to the picture and if they leave her as is people will still say she maybe isn't dark enough to portray an African in the photoshoot. My own 2 cents is that the photo shoot director (or sha the oga in charge) made a poor artistic decision to have only her face painted (that is if they wanted to even paint in the first place sef) because it makes the picture look kinda tacky. Better still they should have used an African model: Alek Wek, Oluchi, Agbani.....

**just had to show you the gele one......proper reppin**

1 comment:

  1. shes very lucky say she no black life this for real life
    coz she wor-wor no be small
