Thursday, May 28, 2015

It has been 3 years...........

3 years have gone by since I made a post. It does not feel that long, time does surely fly!

I no longer remember why I started this blog over 3 years ago but it ended up being an avenue to let some steam off and meet some amazing people to share laughs with.

I dared to dream 3 years ago! I had an idea and it has been kicking my butt. I am starting a business and building a web application and it has been a VERY long road. As I make what is hopefully a last attempt at making this dream come true, I run back to blogging to keep me sane.

The goal is to use this blog as a weekly status reports of the sort for my business idea. To help me collect my thoughts on the goings on of the week gone by and plan for the week ahead. Hopefully we can laugh along the way :)

 If this is the last attempt, I better give it a damn good shot!